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Birthing Center Update

A big thank you to every person who gave generously towards our matching grant last year. We raised over $100,000, which will help us to begin this project!  Thank you again for the support. You will be saving lives!

Here is where we are today:

  • Birthing Center Plans are almost finalized. We are working with an architect to design a beautiful and functional clinic.

  • We have met with the District Offices in Uganda to make sure we meet all requirements. They have given us some valuable suggestions. 

  • Land titles are being processed to give us the ability to get a government issued permit for the construction.

  • We have begun the construction of our training center that will be used for both the Birthing Center and our Farm Outreach. 

  • We are researching costs for ultrasound machines and ambulance.

  • Team is preparing budgets for 24/7 staff.

Thanks again for your support for the people of Uganda. Thank you for playing a crucial role. All of this is possible because of your support and prayers.


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